Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Demand Adjustments - SCADAConnect Simulator

Daily Demand Adjustments opens the table below where a user wants to modify a demand for a run. This may correspond to events such as a sporting event or concert, a high demand due to hot, dry weather, transfer of water to a neighboring utility, among others. Creating a demand adjustment consists of specifying the Scope of the adjustment (whether it is the Entire network or some previously created selection set (see Selection Set for a description of creating such a set), the demand pattern for the elements on which it is placed, the operation (whether the adjustment adds demand, multiplies existing demands or sets a new demand) and the numerical value of the adjustment (add, subtract and set must be in the display units of the model while multiply and divide are dimensioneless).

The bottom portion of the table contains some background information about the run. The estimated daily demand contains the total demand of the system divided by the number of days covered in the duration of the run.